– ‘Mother’ article in the ‘Consciousness Snacks’ series
Are you hungry for small, delicious wisdom snacks that you can enjoy during breaks, on the go, or in one big meal if that’s what you feel like? …. Then you’ve come to the right place!
Here on these pages, we serve up plenty of delicate ‘consciousness snacks’ with which you can feed your higher consciousness. These consciousness snacks consist of wise, inspirational words and quotes about yourself, the world and life. These deep but short inspiring quotes are about everything from truth and reality, faith and beliefs, to love and fear, choices and intention, and much, much more.
Some of these wise words and good quotes are from people (often celebrities) who, with just a few words, truly hit the mark with a remarkable level of clear insight and deep understanding. Other consciousness snacks we’ve cooked up ourselves. 😊
We hope you will enjoy all of these delicacies. If you want to see the other pages in the consciousness snacks series, you can jump directly to them from here:
- Take Deep Dive into These Words of Wisdom – Inspirational Short Quotes About Life
- Words of Wisdom Quotes for a Good Life
- Good Quotes to Live by: Wise Words About Personal Development and Personal Growth
… if you want to read the quotes on this page, just continue reading from here:
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
~ Martin Luther King Jr. ~
The best mind-altering drug is the truth.
~ Lily Tomlin ~
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.
~ Elvis Presley ~
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.
~ Ron Wild ~
I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
~ Bertrand Russell ~
True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ~
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~
A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
~ Charles Dickens ~
What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we have.
~ Oprah Winfrey ~
Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living.
~ Anthony Douglas Williams ~
We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.
~ Tom Robbins ~
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
~ Steve Jobs ~
More Deep Inspirational Words and Quotes
Are you’re hungry for more wise and inspiring quotes, then take a dive into the following consciousness snacks. This time with beautiful images included. 😊
A Guideline for Identifying the Experience of Pure Love
“Only when you feel free and empowered, is it pure love that you experience!”
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Sometimes we may doubt what it is we are actually experiencing and feeling. Often, it’s a mix of many different emotions at the same time, which can leave us quite confused.
Is it love? Is it fear? Is it both? A good guideline for identifying pure love is: “Only when you feel free and empowered is it pure love you are experiencing!”
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Forgive Yourself
“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know before you learned it!”
~ Maya Angelou ~
We can easily be hard on ourselves: “I should have known better…”, “If only I had…”, “Why didn’t I…?” etc.
But life is a playground where we discover who we are… and who we are not. Mistakes are gifts that we can use to learn what we want… and what we don’t want.
As the wise American poet and author Maya Angelou once said: “Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it!”
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Just Because Many People Do Something, Doesn’t Mean It’s the Right Thing to Do
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
~ Mark Twain ~
Mark Twain made a very good point with this quote. Just because a lot of people do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do for yourself.
In our work here at Good Conscious Life we have made it a point to follow Mark Twain’s advice in all of our decisions. We’ve learned that if we think we should do something just because “that’s what people do” or “that’s what the majority does,” we can be almost 100% sure that we should NOT do it. Nearly every time we’ve followed conventional wisdom or popular opinion on this or that, it’s turned out badly for us.
We’ve learned to always ask ourselves: “Okay, ‘people’ or ‘everyone’ may be doing this, but is it something we really want to do? Is it the right choice for us?”
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Just a Little Question About Some of that Power that You Have
“What we believe, think and say has more power than most people are aware of. Do you use that power to strengthen yourself and others – or the opposite.”
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
Most of us are well aware that our choices and actions are important, both for ourselves and others.
However, fewer of us are conscious about the fact that our beliefs are what govern BOTH the thoughts and feelings we have, the choices we make, and what we do (our actions, including what we say and write). Our beliefs are incredibly powerful. But fortunately, we hold the power over them – we determine exactly what we believe in.
Specifically, what we say or write, the way we communicate often has a much greater impact than we realize. Not only do we influence ourselves with our choice of words, but sometimes, another person may let a simple sentence – something we have said or written – change their life … for better or worse. That’s why it is so important to choose to communicate consciously and from the heart.
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
Do You Have the Courage to Let Go of that Which Doesn’t Work?
Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.
~ Hippókrates ~
These wise words are supposedly said by the Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) – often referred to as the father of medicine.
I personally find that words become particularly interesting when we turn them towards ourselves and curiously ask ourselves: “Am I willing to let go of the things that make me sick?” Or more simply put: “Am I willing to let go of the mindset that makes me dysfunctional and unhappy?”
At first glance, we are tempted to say, “Of course, anything else would be foolish!” But all the thoughts, beliefs, inner rules, and values that we all have have typically become part of our identity. They worked at some point – at least to some degree – otherwise, we wouldn’t have held onto them.
So even though a conscious part of us knows that these beliefs don’t serve us (anymore), there is often another part of us that holds on to them for dear life. This more unconscious part of us – essentially our old ‘protector’ from childhood – needs to know that letting go is not dangerous. That it’s okay.
So, if you’re wondering why it’s so hard to let go of certain beliefs that are clearly not good for you, it’s likely because a part of you is still not convinced that it’s a good idea.
Only when we have reassured our survival-oriented subconscious that things are okay, can we truly let go and begin the healing process.
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Thank Your Shadow for Your Experience of the Light
Would you be able to see the light without the shadow?
~ Good Conscious Life ~
The world is full of contrasts, and one of the most obvious ones is lightness and darkness. Contrasts are quite amazing as they allow us to experience and gain insight.
We often think, ‘Oh, how wonderful life would be if there were only light, joy, and love!’ And yes, it would be a completely different life, BUT would we experience it as light, joy, and love if we hadn’t also experienced darkness, pain, and fear?
No, light, joy, and love would merely be an undefinable state of being that we couldn’t relate to anything else. The contrast with the shadow allows us to truly UNDERSTAND the wonder of these positive states of being.
And when we understand and realize what the light is, we also have the opportunity to experience yet another wonderful state of being – gratitude.
So why not thank our shadow for being such an amazing teacher!
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Bittersweet Self-Deception
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.
~ Søren Kierkegaard ~
One of the greatest Danish philosophers, Søren Kierkegaard, really hits the nail on the head when he points out that there are two ways we can deceive ourselves: we can refuse to believe the truth, or we can insist on believing a lie. Very accurately observed and sharply conveyed.
When things are difficult for us to endure, it can be incredibly tempting to either reject the truth or embrace a lie. Of course, we don’t do this to deceive ourselves, but typically to avoid pain because reality hurts too much.
Self-deception may temporarily remove an intense, acute pain, but there is a price. The price is a constant nagging feeling of something not being quite right, because no matter what we do or say to ourselves, reality keeps knocking on our door wanting to be let in. A part of our consciousness knows how things really are. This part of our consciousness won’t be silenced and will keep nudging us until we listen. This nudging usually feels like a form of discomfort, such as irritation, confusion, tension, pain, etc.
And luckily for that. This means that we can always choose to listen ‘more deeply’ when we’re being ‘nudged.’ We can choose to be more open to this more knowing part of our consciousness. Some call it intuition, others the inner voice, and still others something entirely different.
Regardless of the name, we can choose to make a deal with ourselves. A deal to always want the truth – even if it hurts. In the long run, this will give us by far the best life experience and the best life in practice.
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Does the Truth Seem Unpleasant?
If the truth makes you uncomfortable, don’t blame the truth rather blame the lies you thought were pleasant.
~ Good Conscious Life ~
Of course, it’s not always fun to hear the truth. And it can seem even worse to stand by it. The truth can feel quite … uncomfortable.
So, we often deceive ourselves and others with lies, or at least with ‘edited versions of the truth.’
But doing that is actually quite tiresome work. Self-deception and lies must constantly be upheld and maintained. It requires attention, energy, time, and other resources.
Choosing truth is by far the easiest option. The truth requires no resources because it doesn’t need to be maintained or upheld. The truth just IS. And it always produces the best results.
But the choice is ours: yours and mine.
What do you choose?
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
Have You Forgotten Who You Are?
Look at yourself with unconditional love.
You are much bigger and much more powerful than you think.
~ Good Conscious Life ~
Look at yourself through the wisest and most loving part of yourself, and discover that you and your power are much greater than you think. ❤️
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Do You Want a Good Life Experience?
Then you must see everything with as few ‘filters’ as possible. This will give you a more ‘clean’ and pleasant experience.
All you need to do is relax:
– Relax your identity (… it is far less important than you think)
– Relax your world view (… the world is not at all what you think, anyway)Instead of believing things about yourself and life, then experience everything as it actually is, including yourself. It is wonderful. You are wonderful.
Our self-image, our identity, is who we believe we are. The more identity we ‘take on,’ the more we try to be something or someone, the more ‘filters’ we have to look through when we view the world. The result: we will see less clearly.
Why is this?
Well, as long as we cling to a personal identity, a story about who we are (e.g., “I am a fighter,” or “I am a loser,” or “I am defined by my sexual preferences,” etc.), that identity acts as a filter on our experience – everything we see in the world is colored by who we believe we are. Why?
Because if we’ve decided, for example, that we are a “good girl” or a “nice guy,” we are forced to reject anything that suggests we are NOT that (including parts of ourselves), while at the same time constantly trying to prove that we ARE that (which means we are trying to prove something that isn’t the whole truth).
This is why our identity essentially becomes our view of the world. Our worldview is heavily influenced by the identity we have chosen, and we only truly see the things that fit our self-image. This creates a kind of selective blindness.
If we want to see the world in a more nuanced way, more ‘clearly,’ as it actually is – and this is not only more practical but also more pleasant – then we need to relax our ideas about how the world is, and we need to relax our ideas about who we are. We need to ease up on being someone or something specific, and just start being. We need to let go of our opinions and expectations about the world, and simply allow it to be as it is.
It is a choice. And we can make it at any time.
But it’s not a choice that our parents or other authorities in our lives have told us about. In fact, the opposite mindset is common: many believe it’s a good thing to construct an identity – and to hold tightly to both that and one’s worldview. This is something that many believe, but it doesn’t make it any truer.
A fixed worldview and a rigid identity limit us enormously and, from an experiential standpoint, are quite similar to shooting ourselves in the foot.
If we instead choose to relax our identity and our worldview, life not only becomes easier (we no longer have to be anything but our authentic selves), it also becomes more enjoyable.
Firstly, because we no longer have to spend so much energy constantly coloring the world and ourselves in certain ways.
Secondly, because when we let go of the beliefs we hold about ourselves and life, we actually expand our consciousness. Quite significantly, in fact. And a larger consciousness is far more effective and much more pleasant to experience than a limited one.
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
There Is Always a Path Leading You to Where You Want to Go
If you want to …
If you allow it …
your expressions …
your creations …
your intentions …
… will always find a way.
It cannot be otherwise!
Let go …
Make room …
And life will find a way!
There is always a path leading you to where you want to go. It’s not always the path you think you should take (or maybe the path you want to go down), but there is always a way.
Paradoxically, however, you often stand in your own way and might need to step aside (let go, control less) before you can find the path. ❤️ 😊
~ Birgitte Coste ~
Whenever possible: SMILE!
P.S.: It’s always possible. 😊
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
When Do We Live?
We live only once said the teacher.
I thought we lived every day, said the student.
Remember to really live! ❤️
Not just in the long run, but every day. Today is always the only day we have. Take good care of it!
Enjoy it! Live it! 🌈
~ Birgitte Coste ~
A Basic Choice in Life
To see what is difficult in the possibilities
to see the possibilities in what is difficult …
Which of these two choices will give you the best life experience?
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
Don’t we all make this fundamental life choice, whether we are aware of it or not?
But if we become aware of it – and of what it does to our life experience – will we continue to make the same choice?
~ Søren Lauritzen ~
Other Pages with Wise Inspirational Words and Quotes about Life, the Universe and Everything
Take Deep Dive into These Words of Wisdom |
Good Quotes to Live by: |
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